
Winners Announcement

Congratulations to all winners! 🎉
Winners will get an email with details about event participation. See you there! 💌

50 Fan signing winners

Get 1 album with the artists’ autograph (will be addressed to the winner’s name).

1. Aid*** Mah***aida***@gmail.com
2. Ana*** Tia*** Dan***atia***@gmail.com
3. Ari*** Alf*** Han***arin***@gmail.com
4. Awi*** Nar*** Mra***awis***@gmail.com
5. Ay*** Ris*** Mir***ayur***@gmail.com
6. BOR*** LE***purp***@gmail.com
7. Cap*** Tja***capr***@gmail.com
8. Cem*** Din***cema***@gmail.com
9. Cic*** Ros***kyum***@gmail.com
10. Dw*** Mor*** Ang*** Far*** Has***angg***@gmail.com
11. Emil*** Sum***emil***@gmail.com
12. Femb*** Kun*** Lat***femb***@gmail.com
13. Fif*** fit***jten***@gmail.com
14. Fil*** Tac*** Sal***fild***@gmail.com
15. Fit*** Dew***fitd***@rocketmail.com
16. Fra*** Suj***frad***@gmail.com
17. Gha*** Ahs*** Pan***ghaz***@gmail.com
18. Hav*** Die*** Ard***dhie***@gmail.com
19. Hen*** Wij*** Kus***henn***@gmail.com
20. Hid*** Kha*** Nop***khai***@gmail.com
21. ILL*** ROHM*** ART***illa***@gmail.com
22. Iql*** Azz***iqli***@gmail.com
23. Isk*** Tia*** Ama***tama***@gmail.com
24. Kemb*** Men*** Kem***menu***@gmail.com
25. Kha***khai***@gmail.com
26. LAN*** ROS*** FIT***nyeo***@gmail.com
27. Lis*** Feb***lisn***@gmail.com
28. Luo*** V*** Th*** Ngo*** Lin***linh***@gmail.com
29. Lut*** Fes*** Ros*** Ast***fest***@gmail.com
30. Meg*** Ris*** Mei***mg.r***@gmail.com
31. MIP*** RAT*** PLA***mipa***@gmail.com
32. Nab*** Ama***nabi***@gmail.com
33. Nab*** Pus***nabi***@gmail.com
34. Nad*** Ani*** Ral***dita***@gmail.com
35. Nad*** Ina***nadh***@gmail.com
36. Nas*** Rah*** Din***nasy***@gmail.com
37. Nin*** Aj*** Kom***nini***@gmail.com
38. Nov*** Umm*** Kha***novi***@gmail.com
39. Nu*** Fit*** Irn***nurf***@gmail.com
40. Pus*** Dew***pusp***@gmail.com
41. Rac*** taw***am_h***@hotmail.com
42. Rac*** Meg***rach***@yahoo.com
43. Raf*** Put***rafi***@gmail.com
44. Rar*** Man*** Aps***rara***@gmail.com
45. Rif*** Fad***rifa***@gmail.com
46. Sher*** Tan***sher***@gmail.com
47. To*** Con*** Ira***cons***@gmail.com
48. Val*** Urs*** Khri***vkhr***@gmail.com
49. Yol*** Ek*** Put***yoll***@gmail.com
50. Y*** XIN***yeoy***@gmail.com

20 Group Photo winners

Al face-to-face fan sign winners will automatically get a chance to win 20 lucky draws for a Group Photo event with the artist after the Face-to-Face fansign event is done. (5 pax per group)

1. BOR*** LE***purp***@gmail.com
2. Dw*** Mor*** Ang*** Far*** Has***angg***@gmail.com
3. Fem*** Kun*** Lat***femb***@gmail.com
4. Hav*** Die*** Ard***dhie***@gmail.com
5. Nu*** Fit*** Irn***nurf***@gmail.com
6. Kem*** Men*** Kem***menu***@gmail.com
7. Kha***khai***@gmail.com
8. Lis*** Feb***lisn***@gmail.com
9. Luo*** V*** Th*** Ngo*** Lin***linh***@gmail.com
10. Lut*** Fest*** Ros*** Ast***fest***@gmail.com
11. Meg*** Ris*** Mei***mg.r***@gmail.com
12. Nab*** Pus***nabi***@gmail.com
13. Nas*** Rahm*** Din***nasy***@gmail.com
14. Nin*** Aj*** Kom***nini***@gmail.com
15. Pus*** Dew***pusp***@gmail.com
16. Rach*** taw***am_h***@hotmail.com
17. Rif*** Fad***rifa***@gmail.com
18. Hen*** Wij*** Kus***henn***@gmail.com
19. Yol*** Ek*** Put***yoll***@gmail.com
20. Y*** XIN***yeoy***@gmail.com

100 Hi-Bye winners

A hundred of hi-bye winners
attend Hi-Bye activityafter the fansign event is done.

1. Adi*** Weh***weha***@gmail.com
2. Adi*** Pra***adin***@gmail.com
3. Agn*** Wah*** Kus*** Putr***agne***@gmail.com
4. Ama*** Riz*** Zha***aman***@gmail.com
5. An*** Feb*** Rid***anaf***@gmail.com
6. Ang*** Chi*** Tri***angg***@gmail.com
7. Ani*** Put***anin***@gmail.com
8. Ani*** Bil***anis***@gmail.com
9. Ays***sila***@gmail.com
10. Cav*** Kat*** Bie***cava***@gmail.com
11. Cit*** Sar*** Par***citr***@gmail.com
12. DAR*** NAB*** AWA***awan***@gmail.com
13. Des*** Les***desi***@gmail.com
14. Dia*** Adi*** Mar***diaz***@gmail.com
15. Din*** Nur*** Ann*** Rus***dini***[email protected]
16. Dw*** Yul*** Asr***dyul***@gmail.com
17. Egi*** Ri***egid***@gmail.com
18. FAR*** FEB*** FOR***fara***@gmail.com
19. Far*** Unz*** Ken*** Put***farr***@gmail.com
20. Feb*** Sin*** Kri***sint***@gmail.com
21. Fil*** Saf*** Riz*** Gha***safi***@gmail.com
22. Fin*** Nu*** Aul*** Sar***fina***@gmail.com
23. Fiv*** Eli***elis***@gmail.com
24. Fra*** Ros*** Mast***rosa***@gmail.com
25. Fris*** Dw*** Jul***fris***@gmail.com
26. gav*** nat***gavi***@gmail.com
27. Ghin*** Nab*** Und***ghin***@gmail.com
28. Haf*** Nov*** Pri***hafi***@gmail.com
29. Hal*** Per***hali***@gmail.com
30. Han*** Pus***Hann***@gmail.com
31. Has*** Qho*** Sal***hasn***@gmail.com
32. Hes*** Mar***hest***@gmail.com
33. Hil*** Syi*** Fad***hilw***@gmail.com
34. iol*** Ric*** Agn*** Cae*** Mar***iola***@gmail.com
35. ipa*** sar***ipah***@gmail.com
36. Ira*** Tej*** Lar***iran***@gmail.com
37. Isn*** Ahi***ahid***@gmail.com
38. Jan*** Yant***iyan***@gmail.com
39. Jannatul ArvianiJann***@gmail.com
40. Kaf*** Sal*** Kha***kafi***@gmail.com
41. Kat*** Lau*** Mar***laur***@gmail.com
42. Kes*** Des*** Okt***itsk***@gmail.com
43. Kha*** Nur*** Sav***Khal***@gmail.com
44. Kho*** Nis***icha***@gmail.com
45. Kusd*** Hab***rhie***@gmail.com
46. Luc*** Kar***kart***@gmail.com
47. Mad*** Ap*** Put*** Adi***adig***@gmail.com
48. May*** dw*** ast***maya***@gmail.com
49. Mia*** Tan***miat***@gmail.com
50. Mich*** Put***mise***[email protected]
51. Mut*** Yas*** Ali***muth***@gmail.com
52. Nab*** Suc*** Rah***suci***gmail.com
53. Nab*** Viy*** Put***viya***@gmail.com
54. Nad*** Sal***nadi***[email protected]
55. Nad*** Ama*** Sig***nadi***@gmail.com
56. Nan*** Naf*** Sho***nand***@gmail.com
57. NAZ*** ACH***nazl***@gmail.com
58. N*** Lu*** Put*** May***putu***@gmail.com
59. Nis*** Ari*** Sal***sals***@gmail.com
60. N Kar*** Zul*** Put***nana***@gmail.com
61. Nov*** Alf*** Ann***ann***@gmail.com
62. Nov*** Ind*** Okt*** Sya***novi***@gmail.com
63. Nu*** Ani***jaje***@gmail.com
64. nur*** qat*** nad*** app***nuru***@gmail.com
65. Pri*** Pra*** Qin***miss***@yahoo.com
66. Put*** Nov*** Ang***putn***@gmail.com
67. Rahm*** Jun***nita***@gmail.com
68. Rahm*** Fit*** Ayu***rahm***@gmail.com
69. Ran*** Marc*** Hida***rani***@gmail.com
70. Rima*** Aul***rima***@gmail.com
71. Rin*** Ang*** Rot***marb***@gmail.com
72. Rin*** Rah***rini***@gmail.com
73. Ros*** Dam*** N*** Ma***rosi***@gmail.com
74. ROS*** PRAT*** SUC***ross***@gmail.com
75. Sab*** Gab***sgab***@gmail.com
76. Sek*** Tun*** Aru***seka***@gmail.com
77. Sel*** Anj***sell***@gmail.com
78. Sel*** Mag*** Mas***selv***@gmail.com
79. Sep*** San***sept***@gmail.com
80. Sha*** Kus***shfi***@gmail.com
81. Sha*** Nad*** Rahm*** S Gur***shaf***@gmail.com
82. Sha*** Low***shan***@gmail.com
83. SIL*** NUR***silf***@gmail.com
84. Sit*** Ulf*** Naa***ulfa***@gmail.com
85. SOFA*** RAC***sofa***@gmail.com
86. Sr*** Hus*** Has***srih***@gmail.com
87. Suc*** Kur***suci***@gmail.com
88. SYA*** MAL*** ARY***fira***@gmail.com
89. Syi*** Mau*** Has***syif***@gmail.com
90. Tal*** Ard*** Sal***cnav***@gmail.com
91. Tr*** Ay*** Kes*** War***takes***@gmail.com
92. Tri*** Tan***triu***@gmail.com
93. Usw*** Has***uswa***gmail.com
94. Van*** Fan***viol***@gmail.com
95. Wur*** Nop*** Mun***wuri***@gmail.com
96. Yul*** Khu*** Ham***yuli***@gmail.com
97. Yun*** Amal*** Sir***amal***@gmail.com
98. Yun*** sar***yuni***@gmail.com
99. Zah*** Han*** Haf***zaha***@gmail.com
100. Zah*** Has*** Hum***zahr***@gmail.com

 1 album with artist’s autograph (will be addressed to winner’s name and will be sent after the video call event)


1. Ade*** Gy*** Avi*** Pu***adella***@gmail.com
2. ad*** pu*** ha***adhe***@gmail.com
3. Ad*** Pu***adira***@gmail.com
4. agh*** nur fau*** ha***nfha***@gmail.com
5. Ain*** Roh***tim***@gmail.com
6. Ar*** Yun***arniyu***@gmail.com
7. Aul*** Yun**aulia***@gmail.com
8. Daya*** Fa*** Padi***dayang***@gmail.com
9. Deli*** Decl***dde***@gmail.com
10. De*** Eri*** Sa***della***@gmail.com
11. Div*** Ind*** Nat*** Gul***gltm***@gmail.com
12. Div*** Mad*** Ira***diva***[email protected]
13. DON*** YIX***vanc***@outlook.com
14. DWI*** EK*** PRA***dwit***@gmail.com
15. Evel*** Pra***suka***@gmail.com
16. Fit*** Nov*** Pak***fit***@gmail.com
17. Gab*** Bel***gaby***@gmail.com
18. Hig*** Lau***h1gu***@g.ucla.edu
19. Amm*** Zat*** Har***amma***@gmail.com
20. Ist*** Ek*** Les***isti***@gmail.com
21. Jas*** Ind*** Dro***jaam***@gmail.com
22. J*** SEO***whvh***@naver.com
23. Kei*** Ati*** Prad***k3is***@gmail.com
24. Kez*** Ben*** Marb***kezi***@gmail.com
25. L*** X***x101***@gmail.com
26. Mei*** Pra***meidi***@gmail.com
27. Mei*** Nat*** Itaa***meyyf***@gmail.com
28. Mift*** jan***hulj***@gmail.com
29. NAB*** ARD***ardi***@gmail.com
30. Nab*** Azz***nabi***@gmail.com
31. Nad*** Aul***ifan***@gmail.com
32. Nat*** Har***nata***@gmail.com
33. Chn*** Hu*** Yi***a0a0***@gmail.com
34. Nid*** Adi***adila***@gmail.com
35. NUR*** NAN***nn72***@naver.com
36. Nur*** Ama*** Rus***arag***@gmail.com
37. Pit*** Ul*** Has*** Gul***gult***@gmail.com
38. Rag*** Kei*** Kam*** Ala***ragu***@gmail.com
39. Rah*** Kho***rahm***@gmail.com
40. Rif*** Lutf***hello***@gmail.com
41. Riz*** Amal***rizk***@gmail.com
42. Sal*** Kon***jann***@gmail.com
43. San*** And*** Lar***sandr***@gmail.com
44. OKT*** WIN***riri***@gmail.com
45. Ste*** Tri***step***@gmail.com
46. Tha*** Tie***than***@gmail.com
47. The*** Eli***ther***@gmail.com
48. U*** Cha***un.c***@gmail.com
49. Wit*** Tha***chon***@gmail.com
50. Deb*** Nur***Nurd***@gmail.com


1. Ain*** Roh***timi***@gmail.com
2. Amb*** Ta*** Ji*** Wei***tana***@gmail.com
3. Asr*** Sar***asre***@gmail.com
4. Ave*** Ali***melc***@gmail.com
5. Ay*** Les***ayut***@gmail.com
6. Ber*** Yus*** Anj***berl***@gmail.com
7. Cha*** pon***char***@gmail.com
8. chr*** nov*** sima***chri***@yahoo.com
9. DA*** Y***1622***@qq.com
10. Des*** Dwi*** Rom***desi***@gmail.com
11. Des*** Mah*** Lom***dest***@gmail.com
12. Din*** Loc*** Fit***dind***@gmail.com
13. Div*** Ind*** Nat*** Gul***gltm***@gmail.com
14. Ek*** Yay*** Peb***ekay***@gmail.com
15. Erl*** Irn*** Dew***erli***@gmail.com
16. Gab*** Mar*** Man***gabr***@gmail.com
17. Haf*** Zur*** Ina***hafn***@gmail.com
18. IKE*** NAT***octa***@gmail.com
19. Irn*** Mel***irna***@gmail.com
20. Irv*** Foi*** Par*** Mar***irvi***@gmail.com
21. IT*** NUR*** KUS***itai***@gmail.com
22. JAN*** AYE***anny***@icloud.com
23. JAN*** MI***0606***@naver.com
24. Ki*** dai***lops***@naver.com
25. Lia*** Sya***lian***gmail.com
26. M*** YIW***orz1***@gmail.com
27. Mah*** Lat***lati***@gmail.com
28. MIY*** HOS***hitm***@gmail.com
29. Nad*** Aul***ifana***@gmail.com
30. Nat*** Kha***Fever***@gmail.com
31. Nha*** Car***ogkha***@gmail.com
32. Non*** Ola***nonla***@gmail.com
33. Pat*** Mar***patri***@gmail.com
34. Pit*** Ul*** Has*** Gul***gult***@gmail.com
35. PUT*** CHA***pucha***@gmail.com
36. Qis*** Han***qhani***@gmail.com
37. Reg*** sep***regin***@gmail.com
38. Rer*** Jea*** Ram***reren***@gmail.com
39. Sha*** Sal***shafa***gmail.com
40. Sir*** amr***sirl***@gmail.com
41. So*** yuj***asha***@gmail.com
42. Sop*** Chn*** Ji*** Yin***dear***@gmail.com
43. Sr*** Ek*** Put***srie***@gmail.com
44. Sya*** Fiz*** Alma***syar***@gmail.com
45. Tas*** Aur*** Put***tasy***@gmail.com
46. Tya*** Han***tyas***@gmail.com
47. VIO*** AUS*** SHA***vaus***@gmail.com
48. YAN*** SHI***ysmm***@126.com
49. Yol*** Nov*** les***lnovi***@gmail.com
50. YU*** YEB***Elle***@naver.com


Winner will attend the Meet ‘N Greet event with the artists and Hi-Bye activity after the Meet ‘N Greet is done.
Winners will also get a [1:1] Polaroid Photo with your selected member after the Meet ‘N Greet is done.


  • Rank / NameEmail
  • ① Rob*** Liv*** Sub***robi***@gmail.com
  • ② Sel*** Anj***sell***@gmail.com


  • Rank / NameEmail
  • ① Cap*** Tja***capr***@gmail.com
  • ② Mar*** Ade***adel***@gmail.com


  • Rank / NameEmail
  • ① Vic*** Evi*** Can***hell***@gmail.com
  • ② Nab*** Ama***nabi***@gmail.com


  • Rank / NameEmail
  • ① Arl*** Tr*** Has***ahas***@gmail.com
  • ② Meg*** Ris*** Mei***mg.r***@gmail.com


  • Rank / NameEmail
  • ① Del*** Eri*** Sar***dell***@gmail.com
  • ② Jid*** Poo***crea***@gmail.com

140 Winners

Attends the Meet ‘N Greet event with the artists and Hi-Bye activity after the Meet ‘N Greet is done.

1. Ach*** Les*** Put***achl***@gmail.com
2. Ad*** Ris***adya***@gmail.com
3. Ade*** Kus*** Ay***musu***@gmail.com
4. Ain*** Kha***ainu***@gmail.com
5. Ain*** Roh***timi***@gmail.com
6. Ais*** Nur*** Bri***aisy***@gmail.com
7. ALV*** ZAI*** PUT*** BAT***alvi***@gmail.com
8. Ame*** Nov*** Her***amel***@gmail.com
9. And*** Yun***andi***@gmail.com
10. Ani*** Hai***anis***@gmail.com
11. Any*** Roh***jjae***@gmail.com
12. Arl*** yem*** pur***arle***@gmail.com
13. Ayu*** Pri***ayun***@gmail.com
14. Bel*** Adi*** Hap***beli***@gmail.com
15. Bel*** Nov*** Ana***bell***@gmail.com
16. Bel***Dw*** Zaf*** Put***bell***@gmail.com
17. Car*** Gui***carm***@gmail.com
18. Cin*** Sus***cind***@gmail.com
19. Clar*** Flo*** Aol***cfao***@gmail.com
20. Cla*** Apr*** Ite***audi***@gmail.com
21. Cris*** Cri***cris***@gmail.com
22. Dar*** Sya***dara***@gmail.com
23. Deb*** Nur***Nurd***@gmail.com
24. Dec*** Dw*** Cahy***decy***@gmail.com
25. Def*** Ain*** Has***deff***@gmail.com
26. Des*** Les***desi***@gmail.com
27. Des*** Tes*** Ari***dess***@gmail.com
28. Des*** Flo***dest***@gmail.com
29. Des*** Agu*** Kar*** Sar***deas***@gmail.com
30. Dev*** Ali*** Sur*** Sap***devi***gmail.com
31. Dhi*** Zha***dhia***@gmail.com
32. Dia*** Pit*** Kus*** Al-***muha***@gmail.com
33. Dia*** Saf***diap***@gmail.com
34. Dia*** Adi*** Mar***diaz***@gmail.com
35. Dit*** Rah***dett***@gmail.com
36. Dw*** Mor*** Ang*** Far*** Has***angg***@gmail.com
37. Dw*** Sus***appl***@gmail.com
38. Els*** Put*** Les***echa***@gmail.com
39. Evel*** Git*** Nov***krym***@gmail.com
40. Fah*** Mag***fahr***@gmail.com
41. Fel***feli***@gmail.com
42. Fet*** Nin***fett***@yahoo.com
43. Fif*** fit***jten***@gmail.com
44. Fin*** Sya*** Dau***find***@gmail.com
45. Fit*** Nov***Pak***fitr***@gmail.com
46. Geb*** ill*** per*** sri***geby***@gmail.com
47. Gha*** Mil*** Kus***gsac***@gmail.com
48. Ghi*** Sor*** And***thew***@gmail.com
49. Gre*** Pet*** Cla***gren***@icloud.com
50. Haf*** Nov*** Pri***hafi***@gmail.com
51. Han*** Pus***Hann***@gmail.com
52. Hen*** Wij*** Kus***henn***@gmail.com
53. Her*** Nof***herl***@gmail.com
54. Hil*** Sal*** Nu*** Far***hily***@gmail.com
55. Hin*** Mau*** Fat***hing***@gmail.com
56. Id*** mus***jaeh***[email protected]
57. Ill*** Par***merv***@gmail.com
58. Irm*** Bud*** Sar***irma***@gmail.com
59. Isn*** Ahi***ahid***@gmail.com
60. Iva*** Gun***guna***@gmail.com
61. Iva*** Met*** Her***mett***@gmail.com
62. Ivo*** Dw*** Wis***ivod***@gmail.com
63. Jan*** tri***triv***@gmail.com
64. Kar*** Ang***ange***gmail.com
65. Kat*** Per*** Sar***katr***@gmail.com
66. Key*** Nad*** Goz***keyz***@gmail.com
67. Kha***khai***@gmail.com
68. Lak*** Adi***laks***@gmail.com
69. LAN*** ROA*** FIT***nyeo***@gmail.com
70. Lar*** Wat***lara***@gmail.com
71. MAL*** IRI***mali***@gmail.com
72. Med*** Wiy*** Put***eunc***@gmail.com
73. Mei*** Kur*** Sia***hell***@gmail.com
74. Mi*** Qur*** Rat***miar***@gmail.com
75. Mut*** Ana*** Ary***tiar***@gmail.com
76. Nab*** Dw*** Lat***nabi***@gmail.com
77. Nab*** Oct***nabi***@gmail.com
78. Nad*** Ani*** Ral***dita***@gmail.com
79. NAK*** M***hitm***[email protected]
80. Nan*** Pus*** Him***nand***@gmail.com
81. Nat*** Deb*** Sit***nath***@gmail.com
82. Nat*** Sam***natt***@gmail.com
83. Ner*** Ang*** Hen*** Put***neri***@gmail.com
84. Nit*** Fit*** Pam***nita***@gmail.com
85. Nit*** sin***nita***@gmail.com
86. NUR*** HID***lesy***@gmail.com
87. NURU*** ULF***ulpa***@gmail.com
88. Okk*** Bha*** Thi***okky***@gmail.com
89. Pal*** nur***palo***@gmail.com
90. Pra*** Ang***pram***@gmail.com
91. Pri*** Pra*** Qin***miss***@yahoo.com
92. Put*** Cah*** Kur***patp***@gmail.com
93. Put*** Sun***putr***@gmail.com
94. Put*** Okt***putr***@gmail.com
95. rac*** taw***am_h***@hotmail.com
96. Rah*** Sor*** Wij***rahm***@gmail.com
97. Rak*** Put*** Day***raka***@gmail.com
98. Ran*** Sad***rana***@gmail.com
99. Rat*** Kem*** Pert*** Sia***rati***@gmail.com
100. Res*** Wib***wibi***@gmail.com
101. Ri*** tri*** Ulf***riat***@gmail.com
102. Ria***iamd***gmail.com
103. RIK*** IBR***ibra***@gmail.com
104. Ris*** Res*** Ria***riss***@gmail.com
105. Riz*** Tau***kiat***@gmail.com
106. Roe***Fit*** Noe***roes***@gmail.com
107. Ruf*** Li***lim.***@gmail.com
108. Rut*** Dan*** Ong***ruth***@gmail.com
109. Sal*** Alf***sals***@gmail.com
110. san*** dwi*** dew***sant***@gmail.com
111. Sha***shan***@gmail.com
112. SHA*** OCT*** NAB***shar***@gmail.com
113. SH*** SH***Shes***@gmail.com
114. Shi*** Son***shin***@gmail.com
115. Sit*** bah*** asl***bahj***@gmail.com
116. Sit*** iff*** mah***stie***@gmail.com
117. Sit*** in*** naj*** b*** azm***inta***@gmail.com
118. Ste*** Nov***novi***@gmail.com
119. Ste*** And*** Bud***sab_***@yahoo.com
120. Suk*** Pri*** Zai***sukm***@gmail.com
121. SUN*** YOU***swoo***@gmail.com
122. Sya*** Fiz*** Alm***syar***@gmail.com
123. Tam*** sog***gran***@gmail.com
124. Tri*** Art*** Sit***tris***@gmail.com
125. Val*** Urs*** Khr***vkhr***@gmail.com
126. Vi*** Ang*** Pra***viaa***@gmail.com
127. Vic*** Ell***elly***@gmail.com
128. Vid***vidv***@gmail.com
129. Vir*** Riz*** Ani***vira***@gmail.com
130. Wid*** Put*** Jul***fate***@gmail.com
131. Win*** Der***wind***@gmail.com
132. Wit*** Sel***wita***@gmail.com
133. Yoh*** Sil*** Nat***yoha***@gmail.com
134. Yol*** Mag***yola***@gmail.com
135. You*** pus*** sar***youa***@gmail.com
136. Yul*** Ek*** Sapu***nadi***@gmail.com
137. Yum*** Nu*** Sha***yumn***@gmail.com
138. Zah*** Nur*** Fit***zahr***@gmail.com
139. ZHE*** YUF***corn***@gmail.com
140. Ziy*** Gha*** Sab***ziyy***@gmail.com

20 Group Photo winners

Audiences of the MEET ‘N GREET winning (140 winners) will have a lucky draw for a Group Photo event with the artist after the Meet ‘N Greet event is done. (5 pax per group)

1. Any*** Roh***jjae***@gmail.com
2. Ain*** Kha***ainu***@gmail.com
3. Bel*** Adi*** Hap***beli***@gmail.com
4. Cin*** Sus***cind***@gmail.com
5. Cla*** Flo*** Aol***cfao***@gmail.com
6. Dw*** Sus***appl***@gmail.com
7. Deb*** Nur***Nurd***@gmail.com
8. Eve*** Git*** Nov***krym***@gmail.com
9. Fit*** Nov*** Pak***fitr***@gmail.com
10. Fif*** fit***jten***@gmail.com
11. Geb*** ill*** per*** sri***geby***@gmail.com
12. Hen*** Wij*** Kus***henn***@gmail.com
13. Irm*** Bud*** Sar***irma***@gmail.com
14. Jan*** tri***triv***@gmail.com
15. Mut*** Ana*** Ary***tiar***@gmail.com
16. Nad*** Ani*** Ral***dita***@gmail.com
17. Put*** Okta***putr***@gmail.com
18. Sit*** int*** naj*** b*** azm***inta***@gmail.com
19. Val*** Urs*** Khr***vkhr***@gmail.com
20. Sya*** Fiz*** Alm***syar***@gmail.com

More Information : @THEDnDTH


  • The sales data you purchased through this event will be 100% added to Hanteo Chart and Gaon Chart sales figures, in both online and offline.
  • For the fansign event, each winner will receive one additional album, which will not be included in the original order. The album will be provided on the day of the event.
  • Every album will be shipped after the winners are announced.
  • For the Video Call winner, 1 of your ordered albums will be kept to be signed when video call and will be sent separately after the video call event is done.  
  • Only the winner can participate in the event. If the participant is not the winner, THE DnD and organizer team reserve the right to disqualify the winner.
  • Personal information submitted must match the valid ID upon verification of the winners.
  • Winners must bring their ID cards. (Passport / ID Card / Etc. (National IC with date of birth indicated)
  • The winner’s right is non-transferrable. Winners cannot transfer the right to any third party. If a violation of a different participant is recognized, we will immediately ask the violator to leave the venue.
  • THE DnD will not draw additional winners even if the winner is not able to contact or unable to attend the fan signing event.
  • Several changes and adjustments may occur without prior notice. In the case of changes in the event schedule due to force majeure, we will inform the winners.
  • AIl T&Cs are subject to change at THE DnD and artist label discretion. In the event of a dispute, any decisions made by THE DnD and artist label are binding and final.
  • Order cancellation won’t be accepted after the closing of sale. If there’s happening to be cancellation of the order the right to register for all the events shall be canceled. 
  • The event entry is only completed when you purchase the NCT 127 The 6th Album ‘WALK’ (Poster Ver.) for the Face-to-Face Fansign, the Video Call Fansign, or the NCT 127 6th Album ‘WALK’ (Character Card Ver.) for the MEET ‘N GREET through the KPOPMERCH store and fill out all the google forms.
  • Participants are restricted from participating in all future events if they violate regulations during the event.
  • Since the seat movement is restricted after entering, you may be forced to leave if you change your seat arbitrarily other than your seat, change your seat in the middle of the event, install a tripod outside your seat, or move recklessly.
  • Please follow the control of the on-site staff for the smooth progress of the event. (If you fail to comply with the control, you may be forced to leave). 

This content is property of S.M. ENTERTAINMENT, THE DREAM AND DESTINY Co., Ltd and KPOPMERCH. 
It must not be distributed or revealed to any third party without permission of THE DREAM AND DESTINY Co., Ltd.